What is Greener by Default?

What is Greener by Default?

Greener by Default is a new PTBE initiative that encourages us to consider our relationships with food & our environment in a fresh way. It allows us to intentionally incorporate our Jewish values into our community celebrations here at PTBE.

Peninsula Temple Beth El is a community leader in environmental and social justice and strives to provide a sustainable environment for all. One of the best ways we can align our daily practices with our values for social and environmental justice is through our food choices. We’ve chosen to adopt Greener by Default, the simple idea of serving plant-based meals by default and asking diners to opt in for meals with animal products, as our food practice for meetings and events hosted by the temple. Serving plant-based meals by default helps us shift our purchasing practices away from factory farming — a root cause of social injustice for humans, animals, and the environment –– and towards a more sustainable, resilient food system.

If you are interested in learning more or becoming involved with PTBE’s Greener by Default policy, please contact Nancy Bott.


Click here for even more detailed information about Greener by Default.


And please view Rabbi Lisa’s 4/22/22 Earth Day sermon addressing Greener by Default below. A transcript of her drash can be found here.