Frequently Asked Questions

How many Aliyot will there be?

The number of aliyot (plural of aliyah) you can give out is determined by the number of Torah verses your child will master for his/her service. Please be aware that the last aliyah will go to the BE Mitzvah, and the second to last aliyah is reserved for the parents. The formula for finding out the number of aliyot you can give is:

No. of aliyot your child is reading

minus 2

= No. of aliyot you can assign

We encourage our students with single BE Mitzvah to read 3 to 7 aliyot (equals 9 to 21 verses). Students sharing a BE Mitzvah date will each read 3 aliyot (9 verses of Torah). Families with double BE Mitzvah will each have 1 aliyah they can assign to family and friends.

Please confirm with Cantor Elana in the two months leading up to the morning service for the number of aliyot your student will read.

How do we choose who to honor, and in what order do we call them?

Normally aliyot are given to family members and the closest personal friends. The suggested order is as follows: friends, cousins, uncles/aunts, grandparents, older siblings, and parents. Parents will have the second to last aliyah. The BE mitzvah has the last aliyah.

Should my child wear a Tallit at the Service?

BE mitzvah are encouraged to wear tallitot as a part of a new commitment to the tradition. You are invited to present your child with a tallit before the service in the Rabbi’s office. We hope that any child who receives a tallit will wear it during all morning services and on Kol Nidre. It is also customary to wear a kipah (yarmulke) on the bimah.

Where can I get a tallit?

Our temple Gift Shop has a wide variety of tallitot to choose from. You may email Pam Abraham to make an appointment or call 650.345.6563.

What do guests wear to the Temple?

Appropriate attire in the temple for women and girls would be dresses, skirts, or pant suits. Apparel such as mini-skirts and sleeveless tops is not recommended. Please suggest to your guests to reserve party dresses for an evening celebration. Men and boys usually wear collared shirts, with or without ties, slacks, and sweaters or jackets. Please see Chapter IV, page 17 for suggested material you may send to non-Jewish classmates, young guests, and their parents.

Can we toss candies at the end of the morning service?

Please refrain from throwing candies in the Sanctuary.