Middle School Programs (6th-8th grade)

6th Grade WNP (Wednesday Night Program) 

Our 6th graders have an important year where they begin to prepare for upcoming BE Mitzvah. They have graduated from elementary school but are not yet ready to join our teen programming. Our goals for 6th grade are to gather students from different elementary programs into one connected community prior to their BE Mitzvah year. We also want to challenge them with learning that introduces our Jewish history and helps motivate them to stand up for justice.  

6th Graders meet for Wednesday Night Program (WNP). They begin by having dinner together and building social connections. They spend the rest of the evening dividing their time between Jewish History and Hebrew. In history, students learn about Jewish emancipation, The Holocaust, and the foundations of Israel.

We will also invite families together for four sessions to focus on upcoming themes of BE Mitzvah, including a BE Mitzvah orientation Shabbat service in early December.

Students in 6th grade WNP do NOT have to register for an additional Hebrew class or tutoring. 

Date/Time: Wednesdays, 6:15-8:00pm

Tuition: $1270/student

Mitzvah Corps (7th Grade)

Our rising BE Mitzvah cohort, together with their parents, engages in a fun, hands-on year of learning about mitzvot and tikkun olam through service learning projects for our community, and meetings with local organizations with inspiring missions. Students will be challenged to embody meaningful Jewish repair of the world as they prepare to take on the honor of becoming BE Mitzvah. We will meet monthly on Sunday mornings. Timing may change based on the needs of organizations. Mitzvah Corps also includes regular opportunities to dive into ritual, prayer, and Jewish meaning-making.

Frequency: 1/month

Day/Time:  Sunday 11:30am-12:45pm

Sessions: 10/15, 10/27-28 (BE Mitzvah Retreat), 11/12, 12/17, 1/15 (Monday MKL Day of Service), 2/11, 3/24, 4/14, 5/5

Tuition: $ 1160/student

Madrichim in Training - M.I.T. (8th Grade)

Madrichim serve many important functions in the religious school classroom. They help with concrete tasks like taking attendance and collecting tzedakah. They support learning through leading activities or helping students focus. However, the most important role of the madrich/a is to help every student feel welcome and included. It is powerful to witness madrichim taking ownership, and realizing that it is in their power to help younger students feel connected in a time when we are all struggling with connection.

Our 8th graders will meet weekly during Rishonim to learn and observe what it means to be a leader at PTBE and beyond. They will learn how leadership relates to Judaism, as well as practical skills such as classroom management, child development, lesson planning, taking initiative, how to be a dugma (role model) for our younger students, and more skills in becoming a leader in the community. MITs also have an opportunity to teach electives in the spring, based on their own interests and expertise.

Ultimately, this training year of experience will not only help our students become future Madrichim, but also future camp counselors, sports coaches and teachers. Our Madrichim program makes impressive experiences on college applications and can lead to paid positions working in our Education Programs.

Day/Time: Sundays, 9:00-11:00am

Tuition: $550/student

NEW! Songleader Apprenticeship with Cantor Elana (8th - 12th Grade)

8th - 12th grade students with an interest in music will have the unique opportunity to learn valuable songleading skills with our own Cantor Elana Jagoda Kaye, who is a widely successful Jewish songwriter, performer and recording artist with many years of experience. The world of Jewish songleading is full of possibilities, and it starts with the basics: repertoire, stage technique, engaging students, planning ahead, leading t’filah, and so much more. Students will have the opportunity to teach and lead our younger students in a music elective, plan their own song sessions, and come away with skills that can help them land a position as a songleader at summer camps and beyond. Guitar skills not required but helpful. 

Day/Time: Sundays, 9:00 - 11:00am

Tuition: $200 / student


Please click HERE to find out more about our Madrichim program.