Double BE Mitzvah

Whether your child is on the bima alone or paired with another outstanding young person, it is always a momentous and joyous occasion when your child is called to Torah as a BE Mitzvah. Doubling up with a family is an opportunity for two families to support one another through this process. By no means will sharing a service lessen the significance of the moment or diminish the experience for your child.

Each student will learn all of the prayers and blessings. During the service, each student will have the opportunity to lead some of the prayers on their own, and some of the prayers will be recited together. Each student will chant 3 aliyot (9 verses of Torah), prepare a portion of the Haftarah reading, and give a d’var Torah. Each student will have one-on-one time with their lead Rabbi, one-on-one tutoring time, and the opportunity to meet and to rehearse in the Sanctuary together with Cantor Elana. Both families will have their final rehearsal together with their lead Rabbi.

Each family will have the opportunity to honor family members during the service. Families can participate in candle lighting in the Friday evening service. For the morning service, each family can choose individuals to open the ark and will pass the Torah down from generation to generation. Each student will carry a Torah during the processional. Each family will receive an aliyah to call up unlimited number of family members. The parents of each student will receive their own aliyah, and each student will receive his/her own aliyah as well. The parents of each student will have the option of sharing words of blessing with their child or speaking to their child privately.